ISSN 1681-715X |
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Volume 26 |
January - March 2010 |
Number 1 |
Gender effect on the use of modified borg and visual
analog scales in the evaluation of dyspnea in
chronic obstructive pulmonary diseaseDuygu Ilgin1, Sevgi Ozalevli2, Hayriye Kul Karaali3,
Arif H. Cimrin4, Eyup S. Ucan5ABSTRACT
Objective: To investigate the gender effect on the use of Modified Borg Scale (MBS) and Visual Analog Scale (VAS) for the effort dyspnea evaluation in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) patients.
Methodology: Fifty-two patients with severe COPD were included in this study. Pulmonary function (spirometry), quality of life (Chronic Respiratory Disease Questionnaire-CRDQ), exercise capacity (6-minute walking test), and dyspnea severity (Modified Borg and Visual Analog Scales) were evaluated.
Results: The dyspnea severity scores were higher and walking distance was shorter in women (p<0.05). The scores of the both scales were correlated with each other in both genders (p<0.05). In men, the dyspnea scores obtained by MBS and VAS scales were significantly correlated with 6-minute walking distance (p=0.001) and total score of CRDQ (p=0.001). On the other hand, the dyspnea severity score of the women obtained by MBS was correlated with only the total score of CRDQ (p<0.05).
Conclusion: The results of our study show that gender has an effect on dyspnea perception obtained by MBS and VAS. We suggest that MBS and VAS should be used for men whereas MBS may be more convenient for women in the evaluation of dyspnea in severe COPD.
Dyspnea, Gender, COPD, Modified Borg Scale, Visual Analog Scale.Pak J Med Sci January - March 2010 Vol. 26 No. 1 76-81
How to cite this article:
Ilgin D, Ozalevli S, Karaali HK, Cimrin AH, Ucan ES. Gender effect on the use of modified borg and visual analog scales in the evaluation of dyspnea in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Pak J Med Sci 2010;26(1):76-81
1. Duygu Ilgin
2. Sevgi Ozalevli
3. Hayriye Kul Karaali
4. Arif H. Cimrin
5. Eyup S. Ucan
1-3: School of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation,
4-5. Department of Chest Diseases,
Dokuz Eylul University,
Izmir, Turkey.Correspondence:
Sevgi Ozalevli
Dokuz Eylul Universitesi,
Fizik Tedavi ve Rehabilitasyon Yuksekokulu,
Balcova, Izmir,
TR 35340, Turkey.
E-mail: sevgi.ozalevli@gmail.com
* Received for Publication: October 2, 2009
* Revision Received: December 3, 2009
* Revision Accepted: December 22, 2009
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