ISSN 1681-715X |
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Volume 26 |
January - March 2010 |
Number 1 |
Safety and efficacy of hyderalzine in
hypertensive disorders of pregnancyRazia Mustafa Abbasi1, Zunaira Shaikh2,
Sumaiya Farooq3, Naushaba Rizwan4, Sumera Abbasi5ABSTRACT
Objectives: To find out safety and efficacy of IV bolus hydralazine in reducing blood pressure in sever hypertension during pregnancy.
Methodology: All pregnant patients with systolic blood pressure 160 or above and diastolic blood pressure 109 mmHg with eclampsia and hypertensive emergencies were included. The initial dose of hydralazine was 5 mg IV bolus then repeated 1mg at 20 minutes interval. Outcome measures to start treatment were, systolic and diastolic blood pressure, time required for achieving the desired BP level, total dose needed, side effects of drugs, maternal and fetal outcome in terms of safety and efficacy.
Results: One hundred and ten patients with eclampsia and hypertensive emergencies were included in the study. The mean + SD (range) of maternal age was 26.70 + 6.70(18 – 45 years). Blood pressure before starting therapy was systolic 165.5 + 16.65, and diastolic blood pressure was 115.45 + 8.25mmHg. After starting therapy, a significant difference (P=< 0.001) was observed with fall in systolic blood pressure 131.2 + 9.49 and in diastolic blood pressure 93.68+6.30mmHg. In 94(85.5%) patients, IV bolus hydralazine took 60 minutes, however, in 3(2.7%) > 180 minutes time was required to control the blood pressure. Total dose of drug required was < 6 mg in 40(38.4%) patients, 6 to 14 mg in 44(40%) and in 17(15.5%) women 15 to 20 mg of dose was needed to control the blood pressure. Only 9(8.18%) needed dose between 21 to 30 mg IV bolus hydralazine.
Conclusion: Hydralazine is safe and effective in controlling the blood pressure in severe hypertension during pregnancy and after delivery.
Hydralazine, Severe hypertension, Morbidity.Pak J Med Sci January - March 2010 Vol. 26 No. 1 174-177
How to cite this article:
Abbasi RM, Shaikh Z, Farooq S, Rizwan N, Abbasi S. Safety and efficacy of hyderalzine in hypertensive disorders of pregnancy. Pak J Med Sci 2010;26(1):174-177
1. Dr. Razia Mustafa Abbassi, DGO, FCPS
Associate Professor,
2. Dr. Zunaira Shaikh, DGO,
3. Dr. Sumaiya Farooq, FCPS
Senior Registrar,
4. Dr. Naushaba Rizwan, MCPS, FCPS,
1-4: Department of Obsterics & Gynecology,
5. Dr. Sumera Abbasi,
House Officer,
1-5: Liaquat University of Medical & Health Sciences,
(LUMHS) Jamshoro, Sindh – Pakistan.Correspondence
Dr. Razia Mustafa Abbasi
13-A, Sindhi Muslim Housing Society,
Hyderabad, Sindh - Pakistan.
E-mail: razia_gyn@yahoo.com
* Received for Publication: April 24, 2009
* Revision Received: December 2, 2009
* Revision Accepted: December 4, 2009
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